Today I spent a couple of hours getting semaphores to work.
I was opening a semaphore like this:
{% highlight c %} if (SEM_FAILED == (CACHE_LOCK = sem_open("/cache_lock", O_CREAT, 0660, 1))) { printf(“error opening semphore: %i\n”, errno); return -1; /* error creating semaphore */ } {% endhighlight %}
This runs fine on my Mac, but fails on an Ubuntu machine. On failure it sets
to EACCESS (13)
. Whatever you might expect, this fact alone did
not allow me to figure out the cause of the problem.
It turns out the name I’d chosen isn’t allowed. I couldn’t find the rules that expressly state this, or even hinted that it might be the case, but I found when I changed the name from ‘/cache_lock’ to ‘/lock’ on a whim, it worked. Apparantly, underscores are not cool with Linux kernel developers.
During my Googling I found the following question which put me on the right track.