I find the documentation for Jackson is on the terse side, and dare I say obstructively self-referential. If you aren’t moved fully to tears by the Javadoc entries for JsonTypeInfo.As, you deserve an ACM award.

In short: I need a helpful and up-to-date guide, so I’m writing one.

What are we trying to do?

We often want to vary the content of our JSON. It’s integral to the Envelope pattern for instance. Varying the content looks like this.

Here’s an example of an intergalactic animal.

  "created": "1977-05-25T12:00:00Z",
  "animal": {
    "galaxy": "Far Far Away",
    "name": "Womp Rat"

And here’s an example of a provincial animal.

  "created": "1835-09-15T06:00:00Z",
  "animal": {
    "province": "Galápagos Islands",
    "name": "Galápagos tortoise"

In our Java code, we want to be able to deserialise Animals, and we want to handle either IntergalacticAnimals, or ProvincialAnimals. We might write some transport code that looks like this.

record AnimalSpottedEvent<A extends Animal>(Instant created, A animal) {}

interface Animal {}

record IntergalacticAnimal(String galaxy, String name) implements Animal {}

record ProvincialAnimal(String province, String name) implements Animal {}

When it’s called to handle deserialisation of an Animal over the wire, Jackson needs to work out what’s the "message inside the envelope?" Is it an IntergalacticAnimal, or is it a ProvincialAnimal? Without this knowledge, Jackson can’t instantiate the right kind of object.

There is a (truly excellent) resource, Deserialize JSON with Jackson into Polymorphic Types - A Complete Example, which describes how to do this using JsonTypeInfo, but it was written in 2011 for Jackson 1.7.

State of the Art

You may have missed the 2.12.0 release of Jackson Databind in Novemeber 2020. The world was generally busy with other things around then. In which case the JsonTypeInfo.Id#DEDUCTION could have slipped by you unnoticed.

The newer "deduction" mode takes away the need to tell Jackson how to read the incoming data; instead Jackson will take a list of possible choices you give it, and it will determine the best match for deserialisation.

What does that look like? You can follow these steps:

  1. add @JsonTypeInfo(use = DEDUCTION) to the envelope property

  2. add @JsonSubTypes(@Type(…​))

Here is our updated example code.

record AnimalSpottedEvent<A extends Animal>(
        Instant created,
        @JsonTypeInfo(use = DEDUCTION)
        A animal) {}

interface Animal {}

record IntergalacticAnimal(String galaxy, String name) implements Animal {}

record ProvincialAnimal(String province, String name) implements Animal {}

I’ve created a demo project as a companion to provide a working example.

Happy deserialisation!



jackson-annotations provides @JsonTypeInfo and associated annotations which you’ll use in your transport code.

jackson-databind provides the "invisible" deserialisers. You’ll need these available on the classpath in your server or client application.

There are any number of ways to get jackson-annotations and jackson-databind on your classpath. spring-boot-starter-web includes many Jackson components; alternatively the Jackson project provides a BOM.